Leading researcher: Dr András Bidló
Collaborators: Dr. Bálint Heil, Dr. Gábor Kovács, Péter Juhász, Bernadett Varga, Lászlóné Farkas, Miklósné Stark, Zsófia Varga

Results: The amount of the soil carbon storage was estimated during our investigation conducted in mostly undisturbed beech forest stands of the Mátra (Kékes Forest Reserve) and the Bükk mountains (Virgin Forest Reserve). For the estimation a detailed site exploring was performed by opening, describing and sampling soil pits. The most important chemical (pH, CaCO3-content, hydrolytic and exchangeable acidity) and physical (soil texture) parameters of the soil samples were examined in our laboratory.
The counting of the carbon sequestration was executed by a domestic and a foreign developed model: the CASMOFOR v 2.0 model developed for Hungarian economic, treated forests by SOMOGYI (2005) as well as the CO2FIX V 3.1 program developed by the members of the CASFOR Team (2004) for quantitative modeling the carbon sequestration of forest ecosystems.