Work task leder: Dr. Rezső Schmidt, Dr. Pál Szakál
Collaborators: Dr. Dóra Beke, Dr. Ferenc Petróczky, Gyuláné Klausz, Erika Kissné Takács, János Lengyel, Zsolt Giczi, László Matus, Dr. Ferenc Kajdi, Damjánné Miksó István, Piroska Géczi
The subject is connected to the topics of the 4th sub programme “Renewable biological energy sources” and “Bio fuels” and deals with the recycling possibilities of by-products and wastes forming in the production processes of the above mentioned biological energy carriers.
In the production processes of fuel oils and alcohols numerous by-products and wastes are formed that are recyclable, but on the other hand without suitable utilisation procedure these materials can be hazardous wastes that pollute the environment.
A common negative aspect of bio fuel production technologies besides that they use potential foodstuffs for energy production is that they use up organic material that would be necessary to maintain a sufficient organic matter content in soils which is inevitable for sustaining soil fertility. Maintaining soil fertility is a precondition of sustainable development and for achieving this, a proper organic matter management should be assured. In the project we study the possibilities of the utilisation of the by-products and wastes forming in the bio fuel production technologies. If they have properties that hinder their applicability we try to elaborate procedures that change these qualities. We study their chemical composition, their effect on soil properties and their suitability for recycling through the soil. We study the most reasonable ways of utilisation, e.g. organic matter replacement vs. using them for energy production.
In the first phase of the work we made a survey regarding the potential uses of the materials forming in different technologies. Cooperating with the leaders of sub programmes 1 and 2 we surveyed the technologies, the wastes, the chemical composition of the materials. Knowing these qualities we started to elaborate the potential ways of utilisation. These transformation and utilisation methods will be developed further depending on the information which technologies will get priority in the other sub programmes. Regarding the transformation procedures probably will be useful those preliminary results we achieved in our compostation studies carried out with our industrial partner earlier.
PhD student financed by the project: László Matus
Realized conferences, study tours by the project: TÁMOP-4.2.2 Opening conference