Work task leaders: Dr. Miklós Neményi; Dr. Attila J. Kovács
Collaborators: Dr. Károly Kacz, Dr. Erika Lakatos, László Ásványi, Márta Némethné Varga, Dr. Zsuzsanna Lantos, Dr. Endre Gelencsér, Dr. László Kátai, Dr. Péter Sembery, Imre Csuka, Zsolt Stépán, Mátyás Csiba
Percentage of oil output during press investigations showed significant difference. Individual cultivars or hybrids resulted 10-15% difference. Generally higher oil output was resulted on higher temperature, however exceptions occurred especially in case of cultivars with the more difficult pressing types. Differences and scattering occurred in higher percentage in case of sunflower. This is basically the result of morphological attributes, as the inner structure of seed and the thickness of seedcoat difference results in oil output. These differences were proved by electronmicroscope pictures as well. Oil outputs were negatively affected in case of higher moisture content of the seeds.
Measurements were carried out with 4 chosen sunflower cultivars in order to determine the optimal operational circumstances for the pressing instrument. Among the chosen cultivars, all types of sunflower (good, average and bad pressing property) were included. The aim of the experiment was to determine the best nozzle and pressing area size. Specific experiments were carried out in case of sunflower with nr 2 (medium) and nr 3 (larger) nozzles and 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 press area (revolution). The effect of the operational attributes on oil output is shown in Fig. 1. Calculating with the pressing temperature as well as with the volume-efficiency nr 2 medium nozzle and 0.5 pressing area is the recommended operational circumstance in case of sunflower seed pressing.
Based on our earlier research results, preliminary laboratory experiments were carried out in the first year of this research program. Series of measurements were performed based on the laboratory protocols (Table 1) found in the literature making bio-diesel from cold-pressed sunflower and rapeseed oils. These examinations were carried out only in laboratory scale (100-1000 mL) in order to select the most suitable bio-diesel processing protocol.
A. J. Kovács; K. Kacz; M. Neményi; E. Lakatos (2009): Differences in raw material sources for biofuel processing. 10th IAEE European Conference. Energy, Policies and Technológies for Sustainable Economies, Vienna, 2009. 09. 07.-10., pp. 19-17., ISSN 1559-792X
Realized conferences, study tours by the project: TÁMOP-4.2.2 Opening conference