3.1. Distribution and forecast about carbon stock in dendromass of native tree species

Leading researcher: Dr. Ernő Führer (Forest Research Institute)
Collaborators: Anikó Jagodics, István Juhász (Forest Research Institute)

Results: Estimation of mean annual increment for Turkey oak
The area of Sessile oak and Turkey oak climate are 494 thousand hectare. These are 27% of the total forest cover of Hungary.
In the reporting period the mean annual increment of Turkey oak was analyzed. It is unequivocally calculable the accumulated organic matter in the unit area of climate categories from the area of intro-climatic forest stand types and the main species of specific forest stands. This is 166 m3/ha in the average of the Sessile oak and Turkey oak climate.

Selection of forest stands
From the available databases, areas were assorted, where the typical Turkey oak climate dominates, and there are no restrictive factors of organic matter production in deep depth of soil, free-draining hydrological category sites. About 40-60 years old, optimal growth stands were selected where the main species are Turkey oak. In one of the selected stands, will be carried out the biomass and soil recordings.
Measuring method to determine the quantity of organic matter and carbon stock
The organic matter of woody ecosystems – considering, that the organic matter production is a process take place in time – were ordered in four categories.

  • Aboveground organic matter (foliage, stem and branches)
  • Belowground organic matter (stump, root swelling, root system)
  • Organic matter of leaf-litter and humus layer
  • Organic matter stock of the soil

3.2. Changing vitality of forest belts (forest climate categories) on account of climate influence and fore estimation of their range by the climatic potential of sites

Leading researcher (institution): Ernő Führer, C.Sc. (Hungarian Forest Research Institute)
Collaborators: Anikó Jagodics, Tamás Kollár

Results: The ecological value of forest sites can be characterized by organic matter production, which amplitude is influenced by the climate in a greater rate, than it was thought before.
The organic matter production ability can be characterized in the easiest way by the accumulated timber volume in the growing stock in unit area. It was determined, that in unit area of climate categories used in practice, the organic matter accumulated in the growing stock are the highest in Beech climate, 321 m3/ha. In Sessile oak or Turkey oak climate it is only 207 m3/ha, and at least in forest-steppe climate it cannot reach 149 m3/ha.
Furthermore the growing of Beech main species forest stands were determined by climate categories and it was unequivocally visible, that:

  • In Beech climate the ratio of well growing forest subcompartments are 60%, average are 36% and only 4% of them are poor growing.
  • In Hornbeam-oak climate the ratio of well growing Beech subcompartments are only 44%, average growing are a little more, 49%, poor growing ratio reach 7%.
  • In Sessile oak or Turkey oak climate, Beech forest, although their incidence are evanescent, the ration of subcompartments for well growing stands are only 22%, average are 59%, till the ration of poor growing subcompartments already reach 19%.