Leading researcher: Dr. Zoltán Somogyi

The objective of the research is to analyse various scenarios of harvesting strategies on the carbon sequestration of the forests in Hungary. The analysis will be done by using a carbon sequestration model, called CASMOFOR, which was developed to model the carbon cycle of afforestations. The model and the associated program has to be developed so that area and volume data of an existing forest can be fed into the model as input data. In the first stage of the research, we started to develop the algorithms and the program to enable one to insert this data in the model. This also required to adjust the structure of the database so that the algorithms can use any modified versions of the so called silvicultural models that have been essential parts of the model. The modification of these silvicultural models is necessary for the user to run different scenarios with respect to the harvests. We obtained some of the most recent area and volume data on the distribution of the current forests by species and age class. This data will be used to develop harvest scenarios and to do an analysis of these scenarios.